React Native — How To Start
2 min readSep 25, 2021
Start with the project
- Build a starter project
- npm install
- npm start — will interface the react native bundler or the metro bundler
- Install expo go app in your mobile phone
- Scan the QR code
- Wait for JS bundle to install
- Boom! the react native app is up and running
Create a component
- import React from “react” → how different components work together
- import {Text, StyleSheet} from “react-native” → take information from those components and use that in the mobile devices
- Text — it is a primitive react native element that shows some very basic text to the user
- View — allow us the general grouping of elements that can assemble different elements together and provide some styling to them
- Image — to show an image to a user
- Button — shows a button
- StyleSheet — it is used to define the styles for a specific web page
import React from "react"
import {Text, StyleSheet} from "react-native"
- Create a function ⇒
const ComponentsScreen = () => {
return <Text style={styles.textStyles}>Hi there!</Text>
This is not JS but JSX, but when you pass it to react native bundler, it converts to plain JS using babbel
- Adding a stylesheet
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
textStyles : {
fontSize: 30
- Export the function
export default ComponentsScreen;
React Native Navigation — a tool used to show different screens to the user
- We cannot show JS object inside of the text element
Overview —
- Curly braces in import {} → it symbolizes the very small pieces or function of the react native library