MAC Flooding Attack

MAC Address—

Arash Arora
Sep 25, 2021

Media Access Control — unique address assigned to a NIC (Network Interface Card) of your machine.

MAC Flooding —

It is a type of attack in which we overload the switch by sending the large amount of ARP responses leading to the switching of the switch to a hub. Which further means it will forward traffic to each and every device on the network. Thus a hacker can easily intrude the data using network sniffing tools like Wireshark.


It is a part of DSNIFF tool suit. It is mainly used to flood the switch on a local network with MAC addresses

Command —

macof -i eth1 -n 10 -d
  • -i → interface
  • eth0 → ethernet interface
  • -n → number of packets to send
  • -d → target IP



Arash Arora

Hey! I'm Arash Arora, currently pursuing my Btech in CSE with cybersecurity as a specialization.